The Strathnairn community’s Community Action Plan (CAP) was published, following a community consultation, in 2022.
One issue, identified by the community, was the need for improvements to roads and transport throughout Strathnairn, particularly around the primary schools.
As part of meeting the community’s expressed desire for improvements, SDC is setting up a working group of residents and community groups, concerned with increasing opportunities for active travel in Strathnairn. Active travel can be defined as travelling in such a way as to make participants physically active. Walking, running, horse-riding and cycling are the most obvious examples.
The working group would have links with the Highland Council’s Infrastructure, Environment and Economy Department, who will provide technical support, and, where appropriate, construction support, along with necessary approvals. SDC’s principal role would be to obtain available funding for active travel schemes. There is no statutory responsibility on any public authority to provide, or fund, active travel infrastructure and this increases the number of possible funding sources, making match-funding of schemes possible.
However, to ensure that schemes have the broadest community support, make use of local knowledge, and generally provide a sounding board for proposed schemes, SDC wishes to recruit members of the community to join the working group. SDC envisages that the working group would meet quarterly to discuss ideas and progress.
If you are interested in joining the working group, drop SDC an email to
SDC is well aware that the community, through the CAP, has also expressed a desire to see improvements in public transport. A few community members have inquired as to future plans with regard to public transport. SDC is engaged in discussions with Development Trusts Association Scotland, the Highland Council and the Highland and Islands Transport Partnership. At the conclusion of these discussions SDC will be in a position to form a similar working group to explore possible improvements to public transport.