Community meetings

We are holding some whole community meetings to discuss where we should go next with the CAP, what are the priorities, etc. We are especially keen to hear the voices of the community groups, yourselves as members and the wider community. Below are some details.

Community Action Plan has been published!

Today SDC has published the Community Action Plan (CAP) for Strathnairn. We have updated the Community Action Plan webpage with more information, including links to the CAP documents. You can also head directly to our documents page where the CAP summary and the whole CAP are listed for downloading. There are no plans to provideContinue reading “Community Action Plan has been published!”

Can you help us help Strathnairn? We need your ideas!

Strathnairn Development Company (SDC) has engaged consultants, Impact Hub Inverness (IHI), to conduct a Community Action Plan (CAP) for Strathnairn. SDC is grateful to SCBF for funding this project. A CAP is a framework for implementing activities that are decided by the community itself. This is a great opportunity to have a say on ideasContinue reading “Can you help us help Strathnairn? We need your ideas!”

Community Action Plan Poster

Strathnairn’s Community Action Plan is starting to take shape. Below is a copy of an online version of a poster to be shared on social media encouraging residents to complete a community survey questionnaire when it is issued. Please share with other residents, particularly those who do not use social media.

Community Action Plan for Strathnairn

We are pleased to be able to announce that consultants, Impact Hub Inverness, have been appointed to carry out a Community Action Plan (CAP) for Strathnairn. An application to Strathnairn Community Benefit Fund (SCBF), which distributes community benefit payments from local renewable energy installations, for full funding has been successful. SDC is very grateful thatContinue reading “Community Action Plan for Strathnairn”