Efforts to strengthen collaboration with the Strathnairn Community Benefit Fund

As we stated in recent communications through summer 2024, the relationship between our benefit fund and development trust is really important for our ability to deliver projects and activities contributing to sustainable development in the Strath. And experiences to date have shown this is something we need to work on. SDC reported at the AugustContinue reading “Efforts to strengthen collaboration with the Strathnairn Community Benefit Fund”

Active Travel Working Group

The Strathnairn community’s Community Action Plan (CAP) was published, following a community consultation, in 2022. One issue, identified by the community, was the need for improvements to roads and transport throughout Strathnairn, particularly around the primary schools. As part of meeting the community’s expressed desire for improvements, SDC is setting up a working group ofContinue reading “Active Travel Working Group”

Join Strathnairn Development Company, your local development trust

What is a development trust? A development trust is an independent, community led, local organisation. Development trusts recognise the importance of local people establishing and prioritising their own objectives from the outset, and aim to tackle a wide range of social, economic, environmental and cultural issues.  Strathnairn’s development trust, the Strathnairn Development Company (SDC) wasContinue reading “Join Strathnairn Development Company, your local development trust”

DTAS Conference

Our Chair, Professor Mike Danson, on the invited panel addressing the annual DTAS (Development Trusts Association Scotland) conference. Participants included Development Trusts, Community Benefit Funds, Community Councils, practitioners, policymakers, commentators and senior politicians from Scotland and beyond.