For the last two years, community groups in Strathnairn have run a limited Farr Gala in June. This gala was organised by a few community groups with help from SDC. Both galas were well-attended, with a third of the community attending, despite the rain and wind last year. It is the intention of SDC toContinue reading “Farr Gala 2025?”
Monthly Archives: January 2025
Monthly Report On SDC Activities
SDC has published its monthly report on its activities. If you have any comments please email us.
Consultant Funding Officer
SDC is looking to appoint a short-term Consultant Funding Officer to seek funding opportunities for resources including a Community Development Officer, Local Place Plan and community housing. This will be a temporary role, reporting by the end of March 2025, with the length of the contract dictated by the funds we have available and whatContinue reading “Consultant Funding Officer”
Request from the Highland Council
The Highland Council has asked SDC to share with our community a request for feedback with respect to the Highland Council’s budget engagement exercise, carried out between November 2023 and February 2024. More information about this engagement and what was actions were taken on the basis of the exercise can be viewed on the HighlandContinue reading “Request from the Highland Council”