We haven’t really pointed this out but we have a page for giving COVID-19 information that we are asked to post from principally the Highland Council and NHS Highland. It should update every week on average. Last week we weren’t asked to post any information. We guess this is good news!
Author Archives: SDCAdmin2
Scottish Parliament Election – 6 May 2021
SDC has been asked to pass on the following information from the Highland Council with regard to the Scottish Parliament Election on 6th May 2021 :- General risk assessments and specific COVID risk assessments have been carried out at every polling station and extra staff have been recruited to help make sure the voting experienceContinue reading “Scottish Parliament Election – 6 May 2021”
Community Action Plan
SDC has over most of the last month been preparing tender documents for a Community Action Plan (CAP): a plan to help the community identify issues, priorities and opportunities and how to address them. A CAP is a road map for implementing community change and delivery of essential services by clarifying what will be done,Continue reading “Community Action Plan”
Community Survey
A recent survey questionnaire was sent out to each Community Group within the Strath. A couple of these e-mails do appear to have gone into people’s ‘junk’ folder. We are excited to see some of the responses start to come back. However, if you are in a group and you are not sure your groupContinue reading “Community Survey”
Website building
We have now got our own web address! So, from that we now are creating a new website (which can be a wee bit fiddly to say the least). At the moment, is is a work in progress. We could have just set it as a ‘Coming Soon’ but we also wanted to have itContinue reading “Website building”
Coming Soon!
We are currently working on our site so please bear with us. In the meantime, why not head over to our Facebook page where you can find out a wee bit more.
Please note that any information we have on COVID-19 and how the Strathnairn community can respond to it is shown on our COVID-19 page.