Efforts to strengthen collaboration with the Strathnairn Community Benefit Fund

As we stated in recent communications through summer 2024, the relationship between our benefit fund and development trust is really important for our ability to deliver projects and activities contributing to sustainable development in the Strath. And experiences to date have shown this is something we need to work on. SDC reported at the AugustContinue reading “Efforts to strengthen collaboration with the Strathnairn Community Benefit Fund”

An open letter to SCBF – seeking a collaborative path forward for the community

We wish to follow up on our recent statement about issues affecting the realization of development in Strathnairn, to ensure we can reconcile these and move forward constructively together. Of course many community groups are doing amazing work with great results for the community, and there is much to celebrate. However, the relationship between SCBF,Continue reading “An open letter to SCBF – seeking a collaborative path forward for the community”

July 2024 update: SDC’s achievements, plans and frustration

We hope you are enjoying the summer weather and all that is great about the Strathnairn community and environment. As the Board of SDC, we are providing this update so that you can all see what we have been doing over the recent months (see the summaries from Jessica, the Community Development Officer on theContinue reading “July 2024 update: SDC’s achievements, plans and frustration”

What’s on in Strathnairn

SDC have volunteered to produce a bi-monthly ‘What’s On’ newsletter to plug the gap until a community newsletter is re-established. Next edition is due out in August 2024. Your feedback on this first issue is welcome and thanks to those who contributed.

Gaelic language & culture events

Gaelic in Strathnairn events were held in late February 2024 and were very successful.Additional funding of £3,800 has been secured from Bord na Gaidhlig for moreconversation cafes, talks on heritage and nature, bookbug sessions and approximately40 free Gaelic classes, which are being held on Wednesday evenings in Farr Hall(contact us via michael@strathnairndevelopment.scot and check onContinue reading “Gaelic language & culture events”