Strathnairn Development Company (SDC) has engaged consultants, Impact Hub Inverness (IHI), to conduct a Community Action Plan (CAP) for Strathnairn. SDC is grateful to SCBF for funding this project.
A CAP is a framework for implementing activities that are decided by the community itself. This is a great opportunity to have a say on ideas for improving life in Strathnairn. What do you think would make this a better place to live and work and enhance your experience of community life? The action plan developed by the community, with help from the consultants, will identify challenges, seek solutions and give us direction for future projects that will help our community, now and in the future.
A CAP is an expression of how a community wishes to develop, and a critical component is a survey of the community, led by the community. With the help of Strathnairn’s community groups, IHI has created a questionnaire for a community survey. SDC invites all Strathnairn residents, aged 11 years and older, to submit a response. Responses to the survey will be sent directly to the consultants, who will, with the help of Strathnairn’s community groups, use them to prepare the CAP.
Questionnaires can be completed online, downloaded from SDC’s website, or collected from Inverarnie Stores. Questionnaires are also included in each copy of Strathnairn News. The preamble to the questionnaire includes instructions on completing it.
The questionnaire will need a little time to complete. Please discuss with other family members and friends, and persuade them to submit a response too.
Responses must be submitted by 26th September 2021.
Thanks for your time and help with this important consultation.